Combat Groups of the Working Class (1953-1989)
German Democratic Republic
Combat Groups of the Working Class
Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse der DDR
1953 - 1989
Truppführer, Gruppenführer, Geschützführer, Werferführer
Troop leader, group leader, gun commander, thrower leader
Platoon leader
Stellvertreter des Kommandeurs des selbständigen Zuges
Deputy of the commander of des independent course
Kommandeur des selbständigen Zuges
Commander of the independent course
Stellvertreter des Hundertschaftskommandanten, Stellvertreter des Batteriekommandanten
Replacements of the centi shaft commander, replacements of the battery commander
Hundertschaftskommandeur Batteriekommandeur
Group of one hundred commander Battery commander
Gehilfe des Stellvertreters des Bataillonskommandeurs, Propagandist, Fahrlehrer
Assistant of the deputy of the battalion commander, propagandist, driving teacher
Stellvertreter des Stabschefs, Bataillonsarzt
Deputy of the chief of staff, battalion physician
Stellvertreter des Bataillonskommandeurs, Parteisekretär
Deputy of the battalion commander, party secretary
Battalion commander
Interior service leader
illustrator | Pavel Močoch |
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