Customs Service (2000-2005)
Republic of Poland
Customs Service
Glowny Urzad Cel
2000 - 2005
aplikant celny
Customs Apprentice
mlodszy rewident celny
Junior Customs Controller
rewident celny
Customs Controller
Senior Customs Controller
Junior Customs Despatcher
dyspozytor celny
Customs Despatcher
starszy dyspozytor celny
Senior Customs Despatcher
mlodszy aspirant celny
Junior Customs Aspirant
aspirant celny
Customs Aspirant
starszy aspirant celny
Senior Customs Aspirant
podkomisarz celny
Customs Undercommissioner
komisarz celny
Customs Commissioner
nadkomisarz celny
Customs Chief Commissioner
generalny komisarz celny
General Customs Commissioner
krajowy komisarz celny
National Customs Commissioner
illustrator | Pavel Močoch |
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