Defense Forces [army facing colours] - International Encyclopedia of uniforms and insignia

Defense Forces [army facing colours]

Defense Forces [army facing colours]



  Profession Devices
Engineer Battalions Battalion Number
Fortress Engineer Units a "Fp" with the unit number below
Railroad Engineers (Sappers) an "E" with the unit number below
Engineer Training Battalions a "L" with "I" or "II"
Engineer NCO's School a "US" with the first letter of the school below
Engineer's School a Fraktur "S" with a number
Railroad Engineer's (Sapper) School a Fraktur "S" that is outlined in white
Railroad Engineer's (Sapper) Training Companies a "L" in black that is outlined in white
Technical Officers a "T"
Bordeaux Red
Smoke Units Unit Number
Smoke Training Units a "L"
Army Gas School a Fraktur "S"
Smoke Troop School a Fraktur "S"
Army Gas Defense School a "GS" with either "I" or"II" below
Military Justice System a sword
Bright Red
General Officer  
Artillery Regiments Unit Number
Mounted Atrillery Units a "R" with the unit number below
Artillery Observation Units a "B" with the unit number below
Artillery School a Fraktur "S"
Artillery NCO's School a "US" with the first letter of the school
Artillery Training Regiments a "L"
Artillery Observation Training Regiments an entwined "BL"
Ordnance Technician's School a "FS" with either the number "I" or "II"
Craftman's School a "WS" with either the number "I" or "II"
The Experimental Command at Hilleleben a "VH"
The Experimental Command at Kummersdorf a "VK"
Individual Officer (W) 2 crossed cannons
Army Ordnance Officer  
Officers of the O.K.W. and O.K.H.  
War Academy a "KA"
Veterinary Officers and NCO's a snake
Veterinary Troops the unit number
Veterinary Research and Inspection Department the Wehrkreis in roman numerals
Army Veterinary School a Fraktur "A"
Veterinary Training and Research a Fraktur "L"
Motorized Reconnaissance Units a "A" with the unit number below
Motorcycle Units the unit number
Military Medical Academy an "A"
Medical Officers and NCO's a staff and snake
Medical Troops unit number
Medical Training Units a "L"
Supply Officers Mercury's staff
Cavalry Units unit number
Mounted Reconnaissance an "A" with the unit number below
Motorcycle Units a "R" with the unit number below
Army Cavalry School a "RS"
Cavalry School a Fraktur "S"
Military District Cavalry Schools the Wehrkreis number in roman numerals
Light Division Staff a "D" with the division number below
Motorcycle Units unit number
Armored Infantry Regiments unit number
Specialist Officers  
Signals Units unit number
Fortress Signals Units a "Fp" with the unit number below
Signals Training Regiments a "L"
Signals Schools a Fraktur "S" with the number
Signals NCO's School a "US" with the first letter of the school
Army School of Dog and Carrier Pigeon Services a Fraktur "S" with a "HB" below
Light Blue
Transport Units unit number
Transport Training Units a "L"
Transport Supply School a Fraktur "S"
Light Green
Mountain Divisional Staff a "D" with the divisional number below
Rifle Units unit number
Mountain Units unit number
Alpine and Mountain School a Fraktur "S"
Engineer Officer's Academy a gear
Recruiting Personnel the Wehrkreis number in roman numerals
The Feldgendarmerie Units (Military Police)  
Rose Pink
General Armored Commands number of the command in roman numerals
Armored Division Staff a "D" with the divisional number below
Rifle Brigade Staff unit number
Armored Units unit number
Anti-tank units a "P" with the unit number below
Armored Trains an "E" with the unit number below
Motorcycle Units a "K" with the unit number below
Armored Training Units a "L"
Armored Schools a Fraktur "S"
Army School of Motoring a "MS"
Motor Maintenance Troops a "J"
Band Leaders a lyre with the unit number below
Map and Military Survey Cartographers a "V"
Recruiting Personnel a "W" with the Wehrkreis number in roman numerals below
Army Group Command a "G" with the group number below
General Command the command's number in roman numerals
Infantry Divisional Staff a "D" with the divisional number below
Infantry Regiments unit number
The Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment an entwined "GD"
The Vienna Garrison Battalion a "W"
Machinegun Battalions a "M" with the unit number below
Motorcycle Units a "K" with the unit number below
Mortar Battalions a "GW"
Army Antiaircraft Units a "FI"
Infantry Training Regiments a "L"
NCO's and Enlisted Men of the "Staff of the Military Authority of the Reichsprotektor" a "WB"
War College a "KS" with the letter of the school
NCO's Preparatory School the Wehrkreis number in roman numerals
NCO's School a "US" with the first letter of the school
Infantry School a Fraktur "S"
Army Sports School a Fraktur "SS"
Army Music School a lyre with the school number (officers only)
illustratorPavel Močoch
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