Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department - International Encyclopedia of uniforms and insignia

Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China

Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department




    關 員

    Customs Officer

    winter working dress


    高 級 關 員

    Senior Customs Officer

    summer working dress


    總 關 員

    Chief Customs Officer

    winter working dress


    見 習 督 察

    Probationary Inspector


    督 察



    高 級 督 察

    Senior Inspector


    助 理 監 督

    Assistant Superintendent


    監 督



    高 級 監 督

    Senior Superintendent


    總 監 督

    Chief Superintendent


    助 理 關 長

    Assistant Commissioner


    副 關 長

    Deputy Commissioner


    關 長


illustratorLeonid Tokar
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