Rhine-Westphalia State Police (1949-1955)
Rhine-Westphalia State Police
Landes Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen
Polizei Wachtmeister
police sergeant
Polizei Meister
police master
Polizei Obermeister
police chief master
Polizei Inspektor
police inspector
Polizei Oberinspektor
police chief inspector
Polizei Rat
police commander
Polizei Oberrat
police chief commander
Polizei Direktor
police director
Inspekteur der Polizei
chief of the police
Chef der Regierungsbezirke / Chef der Stadtkreise / Chef der Polizeischulen
Chief of the district / Chief of the city district / Chief of the Police School
Inspekteur der Polizei
Chief of the Police
illustrator | Mario Sitek |
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