Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1999-2003)
Republic of Kazakhstan
Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Қазақстан Республикасының Қарулы Күштері
Qazaqstan Respublikasınıñ Qarulı Küşteri
1999 - 2003
white shirt
parade dress
parade dress
Air defense forces, airmobile troops and special forces units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Committee of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Republican Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republican School “Zhats Ulan”, Cadet Corps of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan
cadet of the cadet corps
Student of the Republican School Zhas Ulan
military school cadet - Senior Private
[MVD] -
military school cadet - junior sergeant
[Republican Guard] -
military school cadet - Sergeant
[Border guard]
military school cadet - Senior Sergeant
[Aviation] -
military school cadet - Master Sergeant
[general purpose forces]
[KNB and Presidential Security Service]Қатардағы
Senior Private
[internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs]Ефрейтор
junior sergeant
[Republican Guard]Кіші сержант
[State security forces of the Armed Forces]Сержант
Senior Sergeant
[aviation and airborne assault units]Аға сержант
Master Sergeant
[general forcesШебер-сержант
Warrant Officer
[general forces / KNB and Presidential Security Service / aviation and airborne assault units]старшина
Senior Warrant Officer
[aviation and airborne assault units / State security forces of the Armed Forces / general forces]Шебер-старшина
Junior Lieutenant
[general forces]Кіші Лейтенант
[internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs]лейтенант
Senior Lieutenant
[KNB and the Presidential Security Service]Аға лейтенант
[Republican Guard]Капитан
[State security forces of the Armed Forces]Майор
Lieutenant Colonel
[aviation and airborne assault units]Подполковник
[general forces]Полковник
Major General
Lieutenant General
Colonel General
Army General
Армия генералы
Marshal of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Қазақстан Республикасының Маршалы
Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Kazakhstan
ҚР ҚК Жоғарғы бас қолбасшы
illustrator | Leonid Tokar |
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