German Railways (1957-1962) - International Encyclopedia of uniforms and insignia

German Railways (1957-1962)

  • emblem


  • German<p> Democratic Republic


    Democratic Republic

German Railways

Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR)


  • Emblem und Kokarde auf der Kappe

    emblem and cockade on the cap

  • Lehrling B+V+Helfer
    (ranggruppe I)

    Trainee B+V+helper 
    (1st rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Unterassistent und zugschaffner
    (ranggruppe I)

    Railway sub-assistant and conductor
    (1st rank group)

  • Eisenbahner
    (ranggruppe I)

    (1st rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Unterassistent und zugschaffner
    (ranggruppe I)

    Railway sub-assistant and conductor
    (1st rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-assistent
    (ranggruppe I)

    Railway ASSISTANT
    (1st rank group)

  • (ranggruppe I)

    (1st rank group)

  • IngenieurSchuler erstes semester
    (ranggruppe II)

    Engineering school student first semester
    (2nd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Sekretär und reservelokomotivführer
    (ranggruppe II)

    IngenieurSchule ab zweitem semester
    (ranggruppe II)

    Engineering school from the second semester
    (2nd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-unterSekretär, Zugführer und lokomotivheizer
    (ranggruppe II)

    Railway assistant secretary, train driver and locomotive heater
    (2nd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Sekretär und reservelokomotivführer
    (ranggruppe II)

    Railway secretary and reserve locomotive engineer
    (2nd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Obersekretär und lokomotivführer
    (ranggruppe II)

    Railway Chief secretary and locomotive driver
    (2nd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Hauptsekretär und lokomotivführer
    (ranggruppe II)

    Railway  secretary and locomotive driver
    (2nd rank group)

  • (ranggruppe II)

    (2nd rank group)

  • fachschulabsolvent
    (ranggruppe III)

    college graduate
    (3rd rank group)

  • hoch fachschulabsolvent
    (ranggruppe III)

    high school graduate
    (3rd rank group)

  • außerplanmäßiger Reichsbahn-Inspektor
    (ranggruppe III)

    Railway deputy inspector
    (3rd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Inspektor
    (ranggruppe III)

    Railway Inspector
    (3rd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Oberinspektor
    (ranggruppe III)

    Railway senior inspector
    (3rd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Amtsmann
    (ranggruppe III)

    Railway Official
    (3rd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Oberamtsmann
    (ranggruppe III)

    Railway senior Official
    (3rd rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Rat
    (ranggruppe IV)

    Railway Council
    (4th rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Oberrat
    (ranggruppe IV)

    Railway Senior Council
    (4th rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Hauptrat
    (ranggruppe IV)

    Railway Chief Council
    (4th rank group)

  • (ranggruppe III + IV)

    (3rd and 4tht rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Direktor
    (ranggruppe V)

    Railway Director
    (5th rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Oberdirektor
    (ranggruppe V)

    Railway Senior Director
    (5th rank group)

  • Reichsbahn-Hauptdirektor
    (ranggruppe V)

    Railway Chief Director
    (5th rank group)

  • Stellvertreter des Generaldirektors
    (ranggruppe V)

    Deputy of the General Director
    (5th rank group)

  • Generaldirektor
    (ranggruppe V)

    General Director
    (5th rank group)

  • (ranggruppe V)

    (5th rank group)

  • kragenspiegel
    collar patch

    betriebs- und verkehrdienst
    operations and traffic service

  • kragenspiegel
    collar patch

    maschinenwirtschaft und bereich Fahrzeugausbessenung
    mechanical engineering and vehicle repairs

  • kragenspiegel
    collar patch

    bahnanlagen und bereich eisenbahnbau
    railway facilities and railway construction

  • kragenspiegel
    collar patch

    wagon economy

  • kragenspiegel
    collar patch

    sicherungs- und fernmeldewesen
    security and telecommunications

illustratorLeonid Tokar
  • Date of last modification:
  • Google Translate
  • Visitor count since 2023-01-18

    visits total 1209908, visits today: 902.