National Organization for Rescue and Maritime Safety of the - International Encyclopedia of uniforms and insignia

National Organization for Rescue and Maritime Safety of the Aquatic Areas - Water Lifeguards

National Organization for Rescue and Maritime Safety of the Aquatic Areas - Water Lifeguards

Cuerpo de Apoyo & Salvamento Marítimo (CASMAR) - Guardavidas (Socorristas acuáticos)


  • oficial de 3ra, 0-3 aňos

    officer 3rd class

  • oficial de 2da, 3-5 aňos

    officer 2md class

  • oficial de 1ra,  5-15 aňos

    officer 1st class

  • capitán, 15-24 aňos


  • vicecomodoro, 25-35 aňos

    vice commodore

  • comodoro, + 35 aňos


illustratorPavel Močoch
  • Date of last modification:
  • Translator
  • Visitor count since 2023-01-18

    visits total 1470366, visits today: 1741.