Volunteer Service for Emergency situations - SVSU (2007 sinc - International Encyclopedia of uniforms and insignia

Volunteer Service for Emergency situations - SVSU (2007 since)


Volunteer Service for Emergency situations

Serviciul Voluntar pentru Situaţii de Urgenţă voluntar

since 2007

  • şef de grupã

    Head of Group

  • şef de turã

    shift leader

  • şef compartiment prevenire / şef formaţie de intervenţie salvare prim ajutor

    Head compartment prevention / intervention training head first aid rescue

  • şef serviciu

    head of service

illustratorPavel Močoch
  • Date of last modification:
  • Translator
  • Visitor count since 2023-01-18

    visits total 1358739, visits today: 456.